Wednesday, 9 August 2017

the final countdown..

I've said it once, and I'll say it again - the week leading up to the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer presented by Evraz is always an interesting one for me. The truth is, no matter how many times I've done the ride now (going on 4!), plus the countless training rides following the same route, there are always fears, always questions of whether or not I am physically capable of completing it. And of course, there are feelings of loss and sadness for those I am riding in honour of... and lastly, the excitement of joining thousands of other people in this incredibly well-organised weekend. It's pretty safe to say that it's an emotional roller coaster. Every. Single. Year.

The truth is, the ride has given my life so much more meaning that I could have ever thought possible. This might be cliché, and you may not think that the fundraising efforts have that great of an effect on the battle against cancer: but to me, its so much more than that. Four years ago, I remember sitting at the University on one of my long breaks between classes wondering to myself if I would ever be able to complete this ride. I went back and fourth: my inner angel and devil providing their own insight on whether or not to sign up, and, finally (with the help of some encouragement): I did it. I immediately thought to myself "what did I get myself into?" - and that's where it all started. Little did I know that four years later I would be so invested in something that had previously worried me so much. Obviously I still question my ability to complete the ride (yes, even after riding it three times without fail), but I never could have imagined how much this weekend would mean to me every year.

So what does the ride mean to me now?

It's something for me to be excited about. It's a weekend that brings up raw emotions and thoughts of people I have lost, the world has lost. It's a huge group of unbelievably supportive individuals who come together to make a whole, with a common goal for good. It's incredibly inspiring and at the same time devastatingly heart breaking all at the same time. It's something positive for me to pour my energy into: whether its through fundraising, training or trying to convince others to do it - it takes up time and leaves me feeling happy and strong. It's a chance for me to share my story, and to learn about the stories of those around me. It's a chance to feel apart of something, and apart of something big.

So to everyone who has been a part of the journey so far, or who plan to be in the future... I cannot thank you enough. Your support = my motivation.

And to anyone riding this weekend, I wish you the best of luck - and i hope that your experience is half as enriching as mine has been. See you there.
Year 1 - Starting line
Year 2 - Starting line
Year 3 - Somewhere along the route

PS, What's a post about a furnishing without a link to the donation page... ;)