Thursday, 12 April 2018

How and why I started 5AM workouts..

People often ask me how I workout in the morning, saying things like "I am SO not a morning person" or "I have always hated mornings"... and truth is, neither am I..  and, well, so have I. But I am even more so not a night person. Yes, that's exactly what it sounds like - I regularly refer to myself as a "mid-morning to mid-afternoon" person. Is that even a thing?

The truth in the matter is, I officially started my career as a full-time teacher this year. While I knew teaching wasn't a walk in the park, what I thought would be a day filled with second grade hugs and simple addition and subtraction problems turned into the most stressful (and rewarding!!) experience of my life. By the end of September I was exhausted. And by exhausted, I mean I was regularly in bed by 8 pm (after working until 5:30-6pm), to get up for 6:30 am. I was consistently cranky and quite often on edge which was directly reflected into both my home and work life. I was turning down social engagements and often claiming to be "too tired" to go to the gym after work or complained that I didn't have time. During the first long weekend of the school year - Thanksgiving weekend, I decided to look at ways that I could increase my energy and productivity. The more I looked into what made me happy, the easier it was to make changes. In the past, my sources of happiness were: spending time with my loved ones AND the gym.

So I found a solution: I needed to spend more time with family, friends and my boyfriend... As well as find time to be active and take care of myself physically. I decided that weekend that I would schedule at least one social engagement a week (I know, it doesn't sound like much - but it was HARD) and I would get up before work to go to the gym at least three of the five weekdays.

Much to my dismay, the Tuesday following the long weekend I actually woke up at 5am and went to the gym... and continued to do so (almost) daily. I almost immediately saw the benefits: I was happy when I got to work (conveniently earlier than if I continuously pressed snooze as I had the weeks prior), had far more patience with my students, and paid more attention to what I was eating and how much water I was drinking. After all, what was the point of 5am workouts if you undo them all with bad choices later on?

I also had more time to myself. I get to work with 45-60 minutes of alone time before the students come in. This gives me time to eat breakfast, drink coffee and get a ton of work done, generally before anyone else even enters the building. I could get home from work and not feel guilty about not working out, and actually have time to hangout and watch TV - or call up a friend for coffee.

It has now been over 7 months of (mostly) consistently getting up early to workout - and I can't imagine how I did it any other way before. I still find it nearly impossible to get out of bed for those 5AMs, but when I do - it feels amazing!

An added bonus? You can't beat the 5AM crew at the gym. No one chooses to workout at the crack of dawn unless they're serious - so while people will still shoot you a friendly smile, everyone is focused on their own workouts. It's quiet, less busy and overall more efficient to get in and out of the gym!

The truth is, there is no better way to turn your mood around than a good, hard workout. And what better way to setup your day than to start with something that makes you happy.