Saturday, 21 March 2020

I'm 27 and I am immunocompromised.

So what does that mean exactly?

Immunocompromised, in my case, means that I am taking a medication that suppresses my immune system so that it no longer fights against itself - and I have been since I was 15 years old. In other words, it means that my body has a more difficult time fighting off infections and yes, virus', than the average person. 

No, I am not a senior. And no, if you looked at me you wouldn't know I am "sick", but that is the reality of being a young adult living with any sort of disease. I think what is most frustrating about this whole situation is that while yes, seniors are at a higher risk, so are so many others who look perfectly fine on the outside. Which means we need to be cautious. 

I have to admit, a week ago, I didn't think this whole Covid-19 pandemic was as serious as it is, but, to protect myself and those around me, I did stop going to grocery stores, and any other public spaces - i even called in sick to my job as a teacher regardless of the fact that classes were cancelled for students. I've practiced social distancing, and only interacted in person with a very small group of people who are/were symptom free. But the truth is, I'm probably going to be, if not already, infected by the virus - like many of you. It's everywhere, and at this point, it's inevitable. 

I guess the reason I started to write this blog is because I'm scared. The world is a terrifying place right now, and there is so much misinformation circling because everyone else is worried, too. But the people who are disinfecting every time they go to a store to deliver me food (and wine ;)) and the people who are explaining what immunocompromised means to their family and friends who may not have had an experience with it before are the people keeping me alive. Literally.

Every day seems to be an emotional roller coaster: where I wake up feeling that everything is going to be okay, and go to bed wondering how on earth I am going to get through this. My mental health is taking a toll despite the daily at-home yoga and workouts I have incorporated. Being told I cannot spend time with my sister (my best friend) because she is risking her life as a nurse, is heartbreaking. Standing 3 meters away from any dog owner I pass while walking my own, is heartbreaking. Wondering if I am going to be able to see any of my friends, or my boyfriend when he gets back from work, is heartbreaking.

I don't really know the point of writing this, because it doesn't really change anything, but it helped to get it all out there. Thanks for reading if you did :)