Thursday, 25 February 2016

Choosing happiness

**Disclaimer: this post is in no way meant to take away from the seriousness of mental health issues. I understand that solely choosing happiness is not always possible and that the need for professional intervention is very real and very possible.

I definitely believe that as human beings we have the capacity to choose happiness. So what does choosing to be happy look like? Is it all rainbows and butterflies? Can we do whatever we want, whenever we want? The simple answer: no. 

Life is still life. There are always going to be people you don't like, and get this: people that don't like you - something I'm still working on understanding. No matter how hard you try, there is no way that you are always going to make everyone happy... So why not work on keeping the one person you can count on happy : YOU!

When you find something that makes you truly happy, you do it. 
When you find someone who makes you truly happy, you spend time with them. It's really that simple. 

Most of us go through our lives doing and saying what we think people want to see and hear. We are so afraid to show who we really are because being judged is such a real part of life. But if you think about it, you're really the only person that can make sure that you're happy. While there could be people in your life that make you happy, they do not determine your overall happiness - or they shouldn't. Happiness cannot come from one sole aspect of your life, for example your spouse, significant other, etc. While its crucial to surround yourself with supportive people and people that keep you up, a balance is just as important.

So how did I find happiness? Well it just sort of happened. I know, I know, you want some clear cut plan like "10 steps to take to become a happier person" - but that's not how it works.

I started doing things for me. I go to the gym when I want to. I eat healthy when I want to - and I have junk food when I want to (within moderation, of course). I tell people what I want and I tell them what I don't - again this is a work in progress. I (try to) say no to doing things I don't want to do by being honest, not making up excuses. I take time for myself, and I take time to spend with the people I love. I plan (a lot), but I also steer off the plan and try to be spontaneous. I live in the now, not the past. Am I perfect at any of these things? Definitely not. Am I consistently working towards making my self happy? Absolutely. 

Being happy (most of the time) gives you a whole new energy - and not only on the inside. People will notice, and as corny as it sounds - they'll gravitate towards you. There's a reason 'killing people with kindness' exists, because people generally mimic the attitudes and behaviours that  surround them. Choosing to smile and move on when things are tough shows strength. It lifts a weight off your shoulder. And as you choose to do more things that make you happy or the be with the people who make you happy - it becomes easier and easier to find your path. You'll make likeminded friends and you'll start living your life differently. Passions will become more clear, and goals will seem more attainable. 

Anyone can be happy. Choose happiness.

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